Monday, December 15, 2014


Recently I have discovered a way to create Android and iOS apps without prior Java or Objective-C knowledge. In fact, there is a whole community around that concept with two preferred tools: Apache Cordova and PhoneGap (built on top of Cordova). Basically, these tools let you run HTML, CSS and Javascript code as native app.

To get started, read PhoneGap documentation:

Here's an article that proved to be useful:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Learn to code

There are many resources available online for anyone interested in programming, so it's hard to find the ones that go deep and give enough knowledge not only for basic understanding, but for becoming professional in the field. The obvious choices are Codeacademy and Tuts+, but recently I have found a great course that goes from introduction to programming languages, how computers work etc., to how to get hired as developer. The site is called The Odin Project.

So here's the list of sites for learning:

Sunday, August 10, 2014


This blog is going to contain technology related posts (web, programming, server administration etc.).